Ghostbusters Mania Pages

giovedì 19 maggio 2011

News: Revealed: The FDNY Closure Hit List - UPDATED

"Obtained by our City Hall Bureau, here is the much-awaited list of FDNY companies targeted for closure. UPDATE: A full report by our Jonathan Lemire now follows after the roster."



"The New York Daily News is reporting that they have the list – as created by City Hall – of 20 firehalls in the greater New York area that are slated for closing, after budget cuts were made.
City Hall is stressing that the list is only tentative, as some of the stations may remain open if more money is found, but that’s a bit of a big if, and even if they do find money, the chances aren’t great for any of the stations that they will be one of the 20 saved from closure.
We’ll have to stay tuned to see how this plays out, but at the moment it doesn’t look good for the world’s most famous firehall.
Thanks to Mike Sopronyi for the heads up."