Ghostbusters Mania Pages

lunedì 6 giugno 2011

Franchising: Busterpalooza Roundup

We appologize for the late report, but as Cheech Marin once said "Better late than never!"

Phoenix Comic Con certainly was fun! ... from what we can tell by looking at the pictures, that is. While the Arizona Ghostbusters were living it up with Ernie Hudson and William Atherton, four other franchises were hanging out in Houston at Comicpalooza 2011 this past Memorial Day weekend.

Left to Right: Top Row: Sarah Belham, Jacob Lockyer, Corey Grant, Chris Boeun, Blake Lockwood, Chris Brown. Third Row: Matt Ham, Monica Kruse, Chris Smith, Ryan Burke, Chris Sinqfield, Urvy Jaramillo, Jacob Street, Joshua Kuhlman. Second Row: Dave Burnett, Ben Langlinais, Patrick Hankamer, Jennifer Burke, Everett Hinote. Front: Dorian Lockyer, Kat Branch
(photo courtesy of FantaScenes Photography)

Members of the Houston, Dallas/Fr. Worth, Northeast Texas and Louisiana Ghostbusters and even a "freelance" agent from Oklahoma all had a blast crossing the streams at our first "Busterpalooza" event as part of the growing Comicpalooza convention which celebrated its fourth year in operation last weekend and has become Texas's largest multi-genre convention. As part of the Fan Alley, the Ghostbusters were a big hit with attendees with lots to offer the crowds. "Our gathering of 20+ ghostheads and four franchises has set the stage for Busterpalooza to become the premier Ghostbusters event for this part of the country" notes NET Buster Chris Sinquefield.


The main theme of Busterpalooza this year was "Crossing the Streams," and many of our guests kept that theme alive by making special mashup costumes with Ghostbusters as their base, showing off some of their other fandoms as well as their creativity.
Dave Pollan and Jennifer Burke bust some heads (in a literal sense, of course.) as Street Fighter's Ken and Guile (photo courtesy of Elle Velie)

We even got media attention from the local ABC and Fox news stations.
Local Fox network reporter Ned Hibberd operating a PKE Meter (photo courtesy of Elle Velie).
See the Fox 26 report of Comicpalooza by Ned Hibberd here.

For a first year event, Jacob Lockyer from the DFW GBs feels Busterpalooza was well attended with 20 some-odd Ghostbusters from four franchises and three states. "Whether I was at the booth or wandering around, I almost always had a line of sight on at least one Ghostbuster and at a convention this size, that's a hell of a thing." We happen to agree with Jacob and hope to see even more more 'Busters and Ghostheads out for Busterpalooza 2012!