Ghostbusters Mania Pages

giovedì 23 giugno 2011

Ghostbusters Mania: "Interviews Ghostheads" Mark the U.K. Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters Mania is proud to present N° 5"Interview with Ghosthead" with Mark of the U.K. Ghostbusters.

Mark, tell us a bit about you. Who are you? What are you doing? Other hobbies or interests?
I'm the webmaster and admin for The U.K. Ghostbusters web site and forum. Apart from Ghostbusters, my other interests include music. I am one of the lead singers and guitarist for my band.

How did your passion for Ghostbusters begin?
It started with watching the first movie at my Uncles house when I was a child, then The Real Ghostbusters came out and I was hooked. I loved the proton packs and all the other gizmo's.

When and why did you start building your GB uniform and the equipment/props?
I was invited to a Halloween party in 2008. I thought a GB costume would be awesome as I had never seen it done before. (I was wrong!) As soon as I started looking online I found great sites like (now gbfans).

We have seen that you have participated in many events. What is was your favorite event so far? And why?
My favourite so far was the London New Years Day Parade 2010. We raised money for a special needs school.

What does this mean for you to be a Ghosthead? 
Being a ghosthead makes me feel like being part of a great fan community. I've made a lot of new friends since joining the online fandom.

We see that you've participated in the film "U.K. Ghostbusters". What was the experience like? Will you act in any other fan films?
The short fan film we made was kind of a test for "U.K. Ghostbusters" which is in pre-production. Hopefully I will get to participate in this and/or any other fan film projects. It's great fun.