Ghostbusters Mania Pages

domenica 24 luglio 2011

Ghostbusters Mania "Interview with Ghosthead" with Jonny from the Ghostbusters del New Hampshire

After the break SDCC, continue ... Ghostbusters Mania "Interview with Ghosthead" N°10 - with Jonny from the Ghostbusters del New Hampshire 

Jonny, tell us a bit 'you. Who are you? What are you doing for work? Other hobbies or interests?
Nothing to special about me, I’m 25 years old, married for 3 years, and have a 16 month old Son. I work in a sign shop doing design work and prototyping. I collect anything involving the band “The Presidents of the United States of America” and I have a huge video game collection spanning over 40 different consoles and over 1,000 games.

How does this passion for Ghostbusters?
As a kid I was anyways really into Ghostbusters, I watch the cartoons everyday they were on and watch the first movie until I broke the tape.
My dad took me to see GBII opening night and the bathtub scene scared the hell out of me.

When and why did you start building your uniform equipment and props?
It’s all started back in 2009 when I met Pat Harmon on, we both really enjoyed the movies to the point where were knew we had the talent to build these things, well, Pat had the talent I had a garage.
The reason we started building them was to go to Salem, MA for Halloween where the witch trials took place and a huge Halloween celebration takes place every year. (Youtube: Jonny Ruckus Proton Pack Sound Test)

We have seen that you have participated in many events. What is was your favorite event so far? And why?
That’s a hard one. I think my most favorite event would have to go to PAX East 2011. It’s the largest video game con on the east coast and tens of thousands of people go. We’re treated like rock stars; cutting lines, free shirts, millions of photos. It’s the greatest.

What does this mean for you to be a Ghosthead? And what makes your franchising?
Being a Ghosthead is a term of endearment. Doing Ghostbusters in public is a lot harder than being a storm trooper, a Storm Trooper gets hide behind a mask all day, being a ghostbuster you have to have you’re A-game on the second to throw on a uniform. I love being in a franchise, going on and doing cons with other ghostheads is great. When Pat and I started GBNH it was always supposed to be friends first, Ghostbusters second. We all hang out regularly outside of wearing gear, either having movie nights or throwing a BBQ.

Golden Ghost Awards: 3rd Runner-Up
(Third through Fifth Place get
Certificates of Awesomeness.)
We have seen that you have participated in "Spilled Milk". How was the experience? Realize other fan film?
Spilled Milk was a very interesting project, 3 nights to film and 4 months to edit. The shots could take up to 12 hours to do with no real crew to help you out, just a couple of buddies and anyone who wasn’t in front of camera to hold lights and strobes. I was the producer, co-wrote the movie, and starred in it. My main job was to find actors, deal with setting up film shots, and keeping everyone on set happy. It was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to do Spilled Milk II: Electric Boogaloo. This has been a really great time for Ghostbusters Fan Films. Between Italia, SLC, and GB 911 we’ve seen some amazing movies come out with no shortage of it stopping anytime soon.

Ghostbusters del New Hampshire