Ghostbusters Mania Pages

giovedì 14 luglio 2011

Toys: 2012 Club Ecto-1at

Now entering its second year, Club Ecto-1 is set to deliver more of everyone's favorite ectoplasmic exterminators, the Ghostbusters™… including someone you've been waiting for!
Overview of Club Ecto-1
  • As a member in Club Ecto-1, you're guaranteed to get all six of the 6" Ghostbusters™ figures released during the year, plus a club-exclusive figure.
  • About every other month in 2012 (beginning in January), you're automatically shipped the Club Ecto-1 figure. Figures are billed as they are shipped. The club-exclusive and January and March figures will be announced at the Mattypalooza fan panel at SDCC on 7/22, then here right after the panel.
  • Special convention items, reissues, props and accessories are not included. Mattel reserves the right to offer those and any other Ghostbusters™ items, and reissue non-subscription items. Subscriptions will not include any additional items beyond those listed below.
Subscription Cost
  • Monthly figures: 6 @ $20 = $120
  • Club-exclusive figure/signup: $20 = $20
  • TOTAL $140 plus shipping/taxes/fees