Ghostbusters Mania Pages

lunedì 12 settembre 2011

Franchise: Arizona Ghostbusters meeting Mr. Dan Aykroyd! [UPDATED]

On Saturday, September 10th, 2011, the Arizona Ghostbusters set up a booth to host raffles for the Multiple Sclerosis Society at a Dan Aykroyd Crystal Head Vodka signing at the local Bevmo. We were invited to set up our Ecto and booth at the event by BevMo and the vodka distributor. Folks were lined up before we even got there to set up. The line went all the way around the building and down the back of the strip mall. We set our Ecto and booth up next to the front door and the head of the local Multiple Sclerosis Society set up her table at our tent as well. When Dan showed up he made a beeline out of his RV to our Ecto and did a walk around giving it his seal of approval and then talked to be about how he remembered us from 3 years ago, still has the hat we gave him and wanted our contact info again. Then he went to the booth and autographed all of the items we were raffling off for the MS Society. He even unknowingly autographed items we just use for display at the booth. He signed bottles long after the event was supposed to be over to make sure everyone got in. In the three hours we were there we collected $600.00 for the MS Society.  

Here’s a link to all the pics: