Ghostbusters Mania Pages

giovedì 22 settembre 2011

Meeting: The Orlando Ghostbusters present: Proton Packs in the Park 2011

 Proton Packs in the Park 2011 september 30, 2011 7:00 pm
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Magic Kingdom 
It's almost our favorite, busiest time of year again.....HALLOWEEN!! The discounted tickets that we can get this year are $37.77 + tax per person this year. If you are coming, please try to get money to me as soon as you can since we're limited to the amount of tickets we can buy per week.
To make it easier on everyone, especially since we're only able to purchase 4 tickets per can send the money for the tickets via paypal at Just make sure you post in the comments for the purchase who you are and make sure you put it as a personal transaction, otherwise we have to pay a fee. No big rush, all I ask is that you don't wait until the week before or week of to get your tickets....
