Ghostbusters Mania Pages

venerdì 4 maggio 2012

Ghostbusters Mania: "Interviews Ghostheads" Jesse of the Ghostbusters Estrie (S.O.S. Fantomes de L'Estrie)

Ghostbusters Mania is proud to present  N°10 (2012) "Interview with Ghosthead" with
Jesse of the "Ghostbusters Estrie" (S.O.S. Fantomes de L'Estrie)

Jesse, tell us about you. Who are you? What do you do? Do you have other hobbies?
Well, my name is Jesse James St-Laurent, President of "Ghostbusters Estrie" (S.O.S. Fantomes de L'Estrie). I work as a machine operator in a rubber shop. Other then busting, like to play video games, work on cars, and build and fix various things.

How was the passion for GB born?
As a kid, i used to watch the cartoon and was addicted to it, i had all sorts of the toys, kenner pack, trap and all that good stuff. my passion began then, but one day my uncle rented the movie and i was in shock because i never knew one existed, and then from there it escalated into what it is today......pure insanity!!!

Why and when did you start to create your equipment?
Well my first pack was made my father and i back in 87 or 88 i think (not long after i watched the first movie), it was a large foil pan with egg cartons and a bunch of random things glued and taped to it with a drum stick as the wand. a real pinacle in accuracy lol!! back in 2001, i thought about building one for halloween, as i thought it would be cool to do, and discovered (now i wanted to build one then but never started, then FINALLY in 2010 i started to get the project on the go. it was something i had wanted to do for almost 10 years and i thought it was time. i wanted to build the gear not only cause i thought i would be a cool halloween costume, but since i was little i always wanted to be a ghostbuster like in the movies and this would be the closest thing to it.

We see that you've participated in many events. Which has been your favourite event until now and why?
Out of all the events we've done so far, my favorite has to be the first birthday party i went to last summer, it was for a 4 year old boy and i thought it was the coolest thing ever, especially for a child that young, knowing about ghostbusters, but i had no idea as to how much he loved it until we arrived. it was a real blast from the past watching those kids play ghostusters like i used to as a kid, and a pure joy with how their faces lit up when we arrived. best feeling ever!!!! we took a lot of pictures, went on a ghost hunt, and played with slime, and even played a pin slimer to the proton beam game, i had made for the party. lucky for us they had no clue who he-man was lol

What does it mean to be a Ghosthead?
You dont need to build the props and run around town pretending to be a ghostbuster to be a ghosthead. just having the love and passion for ghostbusters is enough. any one who would call themselves a ghostbusters fan can be a's all about love and passion on any level.

What does it mean to you Ghostbusters group?
As a group of ghostheads, it's awesome to just hang out and discuss everything gb! when we go out, we always have a postive response from people, pose for lots of pictures, and it great to be able to rekindle others memories, and put smiles on faces. we go out and do things for fun and passion and it's great to be able to share it with others. it's the common interest that brought us all together, and the friendships that have resulted from it are something that we all value and are thankful for!

What are your plans for 2012?
For 2012, i plan to build some new props, maybe a slime blower for one, but with a baby on the way, i might focus more on making some custom gb baby clothes  the estrie franchise has a few events comming up like a bowling for charity event on the 5th of may with the local star trek club, and animating at a festival called borderfest in my town of residence. hopefully this year will be full of good ol bustin fun for the crew and we'll have more opportunities to brighten up the faces of fans, young and old alike, and to share our passion with others, and if it benefits a charity or two, or inspres people to join in the fun, all the better!

Now, to conclude, do you want to say “hello” to all the fans in the world?
YES!!! a big hello to everyone in the world. it's a joint effort on all our parts that has made ghostbusters the success that it is and has kept it alive all this time. lets keep it going and pass this phenomenon to the next generation of ghostheads!!!
