Ghostbusters Mania Pages

venerdì 30 settembre 2011

Franchise: Arizona Ghostbusters Event Recaps

Glendale 9 Drive-In Customer Appreciation Night & Diabetes Walk Fundraiser 9/22/2011

The Glendale 9 Drive-In hosted their annual customer appreciation night on Thursday September 22nd, 2011. Members from the Arizona Corsairs pirate costuming group, movie car replicas from and, and the Arizona Ghostbusters appeared at the event. Admission was free for the public. The Arizona Ghostbusters set up a raffle booth to collect funds for the American Diabetes Walk on October 1st.

St. Mary's Food Bank Rock N'Box 80's Night 9/27/2011

The Arizona Ghostbusters stopped by St.Mary's Food Bank Rock N' Box 80's Night on Tuesday September 27th. 2011. 80's Music was played while volunteers boxed up a new record of 96 pallets of food to be given out to needy families throughout the valley. After the team rolled the Ecto into the warehouse the team jumped in to help pack up the food.
