Ghostbusters Mania Pages

mercoledì 28 settembre 2011

Franchise: The new forums Louisiana Ghostbusters

"We've just upgraded and replaced our old forums. WHOOT!
The new forums will be a great place to discuss propping, upcoming LAGB events, planning, all things Ghostbusters, philanthropy, awesomeness in general, and of course practical application of bacon in the modern workplace.
Unfortunately, folks signed up to the old forums will need to set themselves up to use the newer forums with the usual registration process you've seen on many other similar forums. This will allow you to use the new forums regularly if you'd like, subscribe to topics, display your general wackiness, and even put mobile apps on your phone to follow the forums.
The old forums are still accessible via the "Archive" link on the sidebar of our website
So head on over and get set up! These ghosts aren't gonna catch themselves!
Also, as a disclaimer, these forums have only been set up for about 2 days, so some changes and upgrades are pending. Hop over to the feedback forum if you'd like to make any suggestions on making our new modern forums a groovier place."
-Ben Langlinais