Ghostbusters Mania is proud to present N°14 "Interview with Ghosthead" with Ronald of the Georgia Ghostbusters
Ronald, tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you? What are you doing? Other hobbies or interests?
I’m Ronald Daniels–most people call me Ron–and I’m in my final year of Law School at the Walter F. George School of Law. I’m also one of the founding members of the Georgia Ghostbusters, a former host of the “Ghostheads” podcast, and a Moderator at Ghostbusters Fans. Most of my time is consumed by the study of law, but my other hobbies include studying Georgia political history, watching science fiction shows like Star Trek and Quantum Leap, blogging, and spending time with my wonderful fiancé and her dachshunds.
Where did you love for Ghostbusters come from?
I really do not know. Ha! My parents tell me I rented the first movie, and later the second movie, over-and-over again from the local video rental store. I guess the cartoon caught my attention first and then I progressed into the toys and movies.
As a kid, I loved pretending to be a Ghostbuster myself. So I guess it would be a combination of those things.
When and why did you start building your GB uniform and equipment?
It was about 2003 and at that time it was an urge to replicate something I had seen on screen. I have always participated in charitable ventures, working for charities and the like, so the gear gave me a new and unique outlet to help people in my community. My gear stayed pretty tame until 2009 and then I started doing what has been reffered to as more esoteric costumes, such as the Ghostbusters 2 Construction Worker costume, the Courtroom costume, and more recently the Subway costumes. My proton pack is strictly a Ghostbusters 2 pack and most of my gear is from said movie. As a child, I preferred the second movie and still do! I guess I am an oddball in that way.
We see that you've participated in many events. What's been your favorite event so far? And why?
It’s hard to beat the first PKE Surge, which I helped organized. A close second would be the recent Ghostbusters 2 screening in Alabama, sponsored by the Alabama Ghostbusters. Knowing that we were helping people in need really made my night.
We see your brilliant Big D's Used Proton Pack Emporium. You can talk about how and why it was born?
Big D was a character that I created for a local variety show I participate in. My friend Austin Young loved the concept and the character and urged me to do something for his venture on Youtube called GBTV. So we filmed it and people liked it. I get a hoot out of playing the role of a used car salesman and the character has many influences, including Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Mr. Haney from Green Acres, some local car commercials and Buford T. Justice
Can you tell us about your experience as a Ghostbuster fan?
Nothing but positive things to tell. I’ve had the honor of creating the first Ghostbusters-centered podcast with Jason Hughes, organizing the most successful mini-con for Ghostbusters with PKE Surge 2009 and 2010, and having made friendships that will last a life time. I would not be the person I am today but for some of the friendships and relationships I’ve forged with other fans.
What does the term "Ghosthead" mean to you? Why did you get involved with a "franchise"?
Ghosthead simply means someone who is a fan of Ghostbusters. I’m not into the whole “many levels of fandom” deal. We are all fans. Some have nicer gear than others. Some have no gear. We’re all the same in the sense that we all enjoy the same movie.
I joined the Georgia Ghostbusters because Chace Ambrose is the world’s best news reporter and he convinced me too. That and I really enjoy helping out my local community. I get to showcase my gear and help others, that’s a great deal.
What does it mean to you Georgia Ghostbusters?
The Georgia Ghostbusters is very special to me. A few years ago we were about 4 different franchises, but we pooled our talents and became one big group. I think a lot of our success can be attributed to that. And while it was the crazy idea of Chace Ambrose’s and mine to united us all under one banner, I think he deserves all of the credit for making it work. He’s put more into this than anyone else I know. He’s truly a dedicated man.

Plans for the future? Want to make a greeting to all GBFans?
My plan is to finish law school and hopefully have more time for events after that. I’m also getting married next year. I’d really like to thank all of the GBFans across the world for being apart of this community. They make it what it is, and I’ve enjoyed meeting so many fellow fans.
Thanks so much Ronald!
Ronald, tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you? What are you doing? Other hobbies or interests?
I’m Ronald Daniels–most people call me Ron–and I’m in my final year of Law School at the Walter F. George School of Law. I’m also one of the founding members of the Georgia Ghostbusters, a former host of the “Ghostheads” podcast, and a Moderator at Ghostbusters Fans. Most of my time is consumed by the study of law, but my other hobbies include studying Georgia political history, watching science fiction shows like Star Trek and Quantum Leap, blogging, and spending time with my wonderful fiancé and her dachshunds.
Where did you love for Ghostbusters come from?
I really do not know. Ha! My parents tell me I rented the first movie, and later the second movie, over-and-over again from the local video rental store. I guess the cartoon caught my attention first and then I progressed into the toys and movies.
As a kid, I loved pretending to be a Ghostbuster myself. So I guess it would be a combination of those things.

It was about 2003 and at that time it was an urge to replicate something I had seen on screen. I have always participated in charitable ventures, working for charities and the like, so the gear gave me a new and unique outlet to help people in my community. My gear stayed pretty tame until 2009 and then I started doing what has been reffered to as more esoteric costumes, such as the Ghostbusters 2 Construction Worker costume, the Courtroom costume, and more recently the Subway costumes. My proton pack is strictly a Ghostbusters 2 pack and most of my gear is from said movie. As a child, I preferred the second movie and still do! I guess I am an oddball in that way.
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PKE Surge 2009 |
It’s hard to beat the first PKE Surge, which I helped organized. A close second would be the recent Ghostbusters 2 screening in Alabama, sponsored by the Alabama Ghostbusters. Knowing that we were helping people in need really made my night.
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Big'D |
Big D was a character that I created for a local variety show I participate in. My friend Austin Young loved the concept and the character and urged me to do something for his venture on Youtube called GBTV. So we filmed it and people liked it. I get a hoot out of playing the role of a used car salesman and the character has many influences, including Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Mr. Haney from Green Acres, some local car commercials and Buford T. Justice
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Ronald meeting with Dan Aykroyd |
Nothing but positive things to tell. I’ve had the honor of creating the first Ghostbusters-centered podcast with Jason Hughes, organizing the most successful mini-con for Ghostbusters with PKE Surge 2009 and 2010, and having made friendships that will last a life time. I would not be the person I am today but for some of the friendships and relationships I’ve forged with other fans.

Ghosthead simply means someone who is a fan of Ghostbusters. I’m not into the whole “many levels of fandom” deal. We are all fans. Some have nicer gear than others. Some have no gear. We’re all the same in the sense that we all enjoy the same movie.
I joined the Georgia Ghostbusters because Chace Ambrose is the world’s best news reporter and he convinced me too. That and I really enjoy helping out my local community. I get to showcase my gear and help others, that’s a great deal.
What does it mean to you Georgia Ghostbusters?
The Georgia Ghostbusters is very special to me. A few years ago we were about 4 different franchises, but we pooled our talents and became one big group. I think a lot of our success can be attributed to that. And while it was the crazy idea of Chace Ambrose’s and mine to united us all under one banner, I think he deserves all of the credit for making it work. He’s put more into this than anyone else I know. He’s truly a dedicated man.

Plans for the future? Want to make a greeting to all GBFans?
My plan is to finish law school and hopefully have more time for events after that. I’m also getting married next year. I’d really like to thank all of the GBFans across the world for being apart of this community. They make it what it is, and I’ve enjoyed meeting so many fellow fans.
Thanks so much Ronald!