Interview with co-creater of the calendar - Mike Sopronyi
How did Ghostbusters Calendars?
The idea of the Sexy Ghostbusters Calendar started around 2007 when the producers of "Ghostbusters: Spook University" were waiting for the effects to completed.. While working at a Halloween store, I saw the Sexy GB costume for the first time and thought of a pin up style calendar. Getting some of the actress from "Spook University and some friends that were local models to start off the calendar. Since then, the ladies that have appeared in the calendar have been a combonation of other local models, fans of the calendar, cosplayers and actresses!
Who are the members?
Our most active memebers are Amanda C., Ilene & Nezzie
Plans are in th works with Izzie, Erkisa, Jessie and some new ladies for 2013
The props are made by you?
The props were put together by John Hibbard (The Real Ohio Ghostbusters) as well with the new Matty Collector PKE & Ghost Trap
For years, collaborating with GBNews. How did this collaboration?
The collaboration with started in early 2010, talks begain with GBNews in late 2009 of hosting the calendar

The Real Ohio Ghosbusters along with the Sexy Ghostbusters Calendar have teamed up on several events since 2009 raising over $3,000, which 100% of all money raised goes to charity! We've helped out, "March of Dimes", "The Red Cross", "Susan G. Komen For The Cure", "Bark Ark Bully Rescue", Cincinnati Freestorre Foodbank", just to name a few.. I very big thank you to all the different organizations that have donated prizes to be raffled off, including Mark Bryan Wilson (Slimer GB1) Billy Bryan (Stay Puft), Steve Johnson (GB1 Effects Artist), William Atherton (Walter Peck) Slavitza Jovan, (Gozer) Robin Shelby (Slimer GB2) Ernie Hudson & The Heart of The Ghostbusters, Dan Aykroyd!!!
Celebrate 5 years. Do something special for 2012?
Since the Sexy GB Calendar turned 5, we wanted to do something a little different of having 24 of everyone's favorite ladies return for a "BEST OF" edition.. A panel of different Ghostbuster fanchise members, photographers who assisted with the calendar, cosplay models and an actor/voice over, (who will remain anonymous, that lended his voice talents in another movie franchise video game last year) voted on who would appear in the 2012 calendar..
Plans for the future?
As for plans for the future, 2013 calendar is abou 60% done and continue to help out other charities!
Heading to Columbus next weekend? Gonna go to Horrorhound Weekend? How about stopping by the Real Ohio Ghostbusters table to win some cool prizes and even a bottle of Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Head Vodka? Or just make a donation? All raffle sales and donations go to the American Red Cross Tornado Relief Aid for Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky... 1 DAY ONLY, Mach 24th 11am - 7pm!!!