Ghostbusters Mania is proud to present N°8 "Interview
with Ghosthead" with Kimberly.
Kimberly, tell us a bit about yourself.
Who are you? What are you doing?
Other hobbies or interests?
Well lets see how I can sum this up... Im a 28 year old, weird girl nextdoor,eclectic.. super geek! I use up my spare time making costumes, reconstruct clothing into something more fun and me, go to comic cons, play computer/video games, search through thrift stores, swing dance, mix all kinds of music... My favorite Doctor is Tennant... I could go on.. lol
Where did you love for Ghostbusters come from?
From when I was a kid! I remember seeing the movie and cartoons on tv and thinking it was the coolest thing next to Jem, Garfield, & TMNT! lol....
When and why did you start building your GB uniform and equipment?

I also made the Spider Witch costume from the ghostbusters video game! I wanted to do something new, something ghost, and something me.. ;)

We see that you've participated in many events. What's been your favorite event so far? And why?
Its very hard to pick a favorite event. But I always loved being able to make the kids smile and have fun. The Dragon Con Parade for example! High Five to all the the kids and hugs! It was amazing!
What does the term "Ghosthead" mean to you? Why did you get involved with a "franchise"?