Ghostbusters Mania found in the secret archives of Internet interview with the legendary Michael Gross in 2002. Made from the first Italian fans.
G.I. Michael C. Gross, producer of the two movies, in exclusive on G.I. (first italian website 2002)! Ray would say "That's great!", Peter "We begin the interview!", I say "Thanks Micheal!". I have many questions for you, the first is: what is remained in your heart of the Ghostbusters?
M.G. Most of all Ghostbusters was FUN. It's hard work to make movies...a lot of stress. This picture was very difficult....we had to build a special effects production facility from the movie in almost ONE HALF the time an effects picture takes....and Ivan and I had never made an effects picture before. But through all that it was FUN....the most I've ever had making movies.
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The logo designed by Michael Gross |
G.I. You have realized a logo, a symbol from all imitated, loved from the fans around the world! The most famous "No-Ghost". You can tell me the backstage on the working to beautifulst and loved logo?
M.G. I designed the no ghost logo, I then designed it...hired artists...finally used Brent Boats to draw the ghost at Boss films where the effects were being done. (Ivan now owns the original drawing...I gave it to him framed). The "no-ghost" logo was in the script as part of Danny's description of the sign on their "office" and the uniforms, car, etc. A note: the symbol is different in the States and Europe. That "no" sign was not widely used in the U.S. Yet, so I flopped it in a version that had type in it...we dropped the type but kept it "flopped". In Europe where the signs have been used for years it was felt inappropriate to flop it appears two ways.
G.I. Always speaking about "No-Ghost"... the white ghost have a name? The name is Fatso?

G.I. As it is work with Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Ivan Reitman?
M.G. I worked with Bill Murray in my National Lampoon days and was (and still is) an old friend. Ivan and I also knew each other from those (National Lampoon) days, but our first time working together was on "Heavy Metal". "Ghostbusters" was our first live film together ("Heavy Metal" was animated). In all it was a joy to all be working together.

M.G. Ghostbusters was Danny Aykroyd's idea. He brought it to Ivan...and it took all of ten minutes for us to decide to do it (We were in pre-production with
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and we put it aside for GB). The studio took only another ten minutes to decide to do it, so off we went. We knew
from the start it would be a hit, but not to the degree that it
G.I. Before realizing the second movie, "Ghostbusters II", what you thinks about the sequel?

G.I. Which episode, which day, you remember with more love or funny of the working-days to "Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters II"?
M.G. We had the most fun in New York when we took the "boys" out into the streets of NYC and "stole" shots of them running around for the first montage.
G.I. Exist a character, a ghost, a scene... who you have before to shoot imagines to you different from as has been realized? What had is different from the final result?
M.G. The "onion head ghost "described in the script became what later (in the kid's TV show) to be known as "Slimer". It went through a lot of concepts and changes. He was finally realized as a guy in a "rubber" suit. Today he would be animated cgi work (computer generated image). There were some early concept sketches that were actually an onion with legs....then grew from there.
G.I. You remember an scenes cut in the final assembly, or scenes never realized?
M.G. When the "boys" are up on the roof at the end, Harold Rmis looks out and sees the Stay Puft marshmallow man (he has a different title in Europe because you don't have marshmallows there) and he yells out in one take "Fuck Me!!!!" well we decided to cut that to not get an R rating.
G.I. Between the actors co-star, which you remember with more love?
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Michael Gross and Southern California Ghostbusters |
(I think). When setting up the shot with the hands coming up between her legs in the chair before being dragged off, she looked down at the effects guys who ha to do thrust their monster puppet hands up between her legs and said "go ahead, make my day"....she has a great sense of humor and along with the rest of the cast is very smart.
G.I. I cannot not ask news to you on "Ghostbusters III"! It will be made? It will not be made? You have never thought to make it? You can say the truth on the third movie?
M.G. There will be no GBIII as far as I know. Columbia (now SONY) controls the rights, but I don't think they can (or would) do a sequel without Ivan and "the boys" (Danny, Bill, Harold). The cartoon show and movies lasted 6 years in all, enough is enough.
G.I. You want play? According to you, as they are becomes for you Peter, Ray, Egon, Winston... what make, now, in 2003? How they are becomes for you?
M.G. Retired.....Egon teaches, Ray runs his occult book store and web site, Peter re married rich, and Winston owns a soul food restaurant.
G.I. You have some props used on the set, or that remember to you the two movies?
M.G. I have very few props now, I did have (and sold or contributed to charity) a back pack (foam stunt version), a ghost trap, a uniform, many concept sketches. I only have pictures in my scrap books now.
G.I. Which are your future projects?
M.G. My future does not include the film business. I now am a painter and photographer living on the beach in San Diego county...not in the film business any more and pretty much out of touch with all concerned. I spoke with Bill Murray last month and he told me he spends most of his time playing golf.
G.I. You want to leave a message to all the peoples who have worked in the two movies?
M.G. To everyone who worked on or contributed to GHOSTBUSTERS, "thank you for bringing such a wonderful product to the screen and a great experience into my life".
G.I. And a message for all the Ghostbusters fans...?
M.G. To the fans..."thank you in particular for your love of the movie, we who make films are isolated from the audience and only see the sales figures....often not connecting that there are millions of people who have enjoyed our labor of love...again Thank you!"
G.I. I do not know how many fan have ask to you these questions, before me, in these years... but know that there is a great interest in the world, a great passion, that it turns around the ghostbusters-world! Today, after nearly 20 years from the first movie, the mythical "men in grey" are loved, and continue to make to dream of the million fan in the world... and also thanks to you, and your job!
M.G. And Thank YOU for your site and enthusiasm.
G.I. THANKS Michael!
Ghostbusters Mania and all the fans we love to Michael Gross for what he has done.
Thanks so much!